Dynamic Navigation: How to Change Active Classes on Scroll with jQuery

Learn how to implement jQuery scroll to change the active class in your navigation menu as users scroll through the page. Enhance user experience with dynamic navigation highlighting!
Dynamic Navigation: How to Change Active Classes on Scroll with jQuery

Creating a Scroll-Activated Navigation with jQuery

In modern web design, creating a responsive and interactive navigation menu is essential for enhancing user experience. A popular feature is the scroll-activated navigation, where the active class of the menu items changes as the user scrolls through the page. This effect can be seen on many contemporary websites, including chatgpt.com. In this guide, we will explore how to implement this functionality using jQuery.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the code, it’s important to understand the basic components required for this functionality. We need a navigation bar with links that correspond to specific sections of our webpage. Additionally, we’ll use jQuery to detect the scroll event and change the active class based on the current scroll position.

Setting Up Your HTML Structure

First, let's set up a simple HTML structure for our navigation and sections. Below is an example of how you might structure your HTML:

Content for Section 1
Content for Section 2
Content for Section 3
Content for Section 4

In this example, we have a navigation menu with four links, each pointing to a different section of the page. Each section has a unique ID that corresponds to the links in the navigation.

Styling the Navigation

Next, we should add some basic CSS to style our navigation and sections. This will help make the active class visually distinct:

Implementing the jQuery Scroll Functionality

Now that we have our HTML and CSS set up, we can move on to the jQuery part. We'll listen for the scroll event and determine which section is currently in view. Based on that, we'll add the active class to the corresponding navigation link:

This jQuery script works by checking the current scroll position and comparing it to the position of each section. When a section is in view, the corresponding navigation link receives the active class, which we styled earlier to signify the active section visually.


By following the steps outlined above, you can create a smooth and interactive navigation experience similar to those found on modern websites. This scroll-activated navigation enhances usability, allowing users to easily identify their current position on the page. With just a few lines of jQuery and some basic HTML and CSS, you can significantly improve the navigation experience on your website.